Angel statue photo by Aelena, Flickr

Are Angels Real? These Stories Will Get You Wondering

On a day-to-day level, few of us probably think much about angels. They’re just stone statues in cemeteries or marble sculptures in galleries, the stuff of children’s tales and renaissance paintings, not of flesh-and-blood life. I may be wrong, but even people of faith probably give little thought to them.

When I raised the topic of angelic encounters with my social media friends, I was expecting some nice stories about lights in the sky and the kindness of strangers. Instead, I got stories that truly opened my eyes. While statues, sculptures and paintings always depict angels as winged beings with white robes and halos, perhaps they’re more likely to come dressed as people just like us—walking on the beach wearing brown shirts, or standing on the doorstep holding envelopes. I shared some of these stories on BBC Radio 2’s Pause for Thought segment recently. You can read more of them below.

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Picture by Ryan Tauss

A Knock at the Door

When I was a kid my parents were in a ministry where they lived by faith, all wages coming through individual donations. One day funds were very tight and Mum was praying in her room and reading her Bible, when she read a verse that said ‘and the Lord will provide your wages’. At that moment there was a knock at the door. She answered it and there stood a young lady. ‘My friend asked me to give you this,’ she said, and handed mum an envelope. Stunned, mum said thanks and closed the door. She peeked in the envelope and it contained a good amount of cash. There was no more than 30 seconds between closing the door and opening it again, but the girl was gone. It would have taken more than 30 seconds to reach the street and the view was clear. There was nowhere for her to go and there was no car. To this day my Mum is convinced that this was an angel sent by the Lord.

Amanda Hunt

Guiding Lights on a Snowy Night

One night my wife and I went across to an American airforce base (Misawa) east of where we were working as missionaries in Aomori, northern Japan. It was a chance for us to have fellowship with some strong Christians and be refreshed for ministry. Getting there was an hour and a half- long journey across a mountain pass, which was very tricky in winter with thick drifts of snow on the sides and the occasional car buried deep.

Driving home, we were very, very tired. The snow had started to fall and came down in big cotton ball sized flakes, making vision difficult. Late on a Friday night, out in the country along this mountain pass, there were few cars. But then a car appeared in front of us. Behind this car we stayed for the next hour, along the difficult mountain pass stretch, always keeping the rear red lights in view.

Why do I think we followed one of God’s messengers? The car came when I was really tired and the car drove at a safe speed for over an hour, never speeding up, slowing down, or even pulling off, if that was possible. Those red lights were a beacon of safety for us as we followed them through the heavily falling snow. And we sure didn’t like the idea of pulling over to take a nap up on that pass with the snow falling as it was. We have often believed that God had sent an angel to guide us home safely on that cold and dangerous night.

Nick Crook

Photo by Jenn Richardson

A Mysterious Helping Hand

I have muscular dystrophy. The last time I ever attempted to travel by myself on the London Tube – on crutches with a large rucksack – I found myself at Putney station facing an enormous flight of stairs. There was no lift or escalator and I stood at the bottom thinking, ‘I can’t do this. I just can’t’. I wanted to cry because I should’ve been able to manage the stairs, but I couldn’t. I just prayed.

And then a man with the most amazing face appeared at my side. ‘Can I carry your bag and help you up the stairs?’ he said. I couldn’t stop staring st him. He took my bag, took my arm, helped me to the top, gave me back my bag. By the time I got sorted and turned around to thank him, he was gone. I mean, totally gone. Nowhere to be seen. I feel very certain he was an angel.

Louise Halling

A Mysterious Doctor

I was unexpectedly admitted to hospital after a routine biopsy went wrong. Lots of doctors came to see me, and I wasn’t sure what was going on. One doctor came to see me the next day and explained everything really clearly, so I could understand what was happening. He came to see me a second time with some good news also. But when my specialist and others came later, they didn’t know of any doctor by the name that I mentioned to them, and no one else seemed to be aware of this doctor. This led me to think he may have been an angel provided by God in my time of need.

Anne Wilson

A Man in a Suit in India

It was 1994 and my friend and I had just arrived in India for our physio placement, but no one met us at the station. We were both 21 years old. At 3am we got off the train and as no signs were in English we ended up in what can only be described as very dodgy back streets with nothing but men and their rickshaws. We approached several of them, none of whom spoke English nor had heard of the village we needed to get to. It was hopeless and we simply prayed and cried.

Then a tall gentleman dressed in a suit and carrying a briefcase approached us. He was totally out of context. He knew the village and even exactly where the hospital was we were due to stay in. He instructed one of the drivers and got a guard to accompany us the entire journey and told us how much money to give the driver. He then disappeared. On reflection we could only conclude he was an angel.

Florence Milliken

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla

A Man in a Suit in London

About twenty years ago now I was once in a desperate state. My relationship was breaking up, and I was very stressed at work. One day I was very late for a meeting in North Wales. I had just picked up my hire car and was driving up Great Portland Street in London when my back tire suddenly went flat. I had never changed a tyre, it was a hire car I wasn’t familiar with, it was raining very hard and, to cap it off, it was rush hour. I was staring helplessly at the flat tyre when a business man in a suit stopped, opened the boot, jacked up the car, and changed the tyre. When I turned to thank him, he had disappeared into the crowd.


A Flaming Body, a Bright Light

In the early days of the 24/7 prayer movement in Chichester, we were often waking up in the small hours and travelling to the prayer room. One time, as I was waking, an angel sort of appeared in my bedroom. Her body and face were the colours of flames and there was a soft sound of singing in a language that sounded like tongues. I remember feeling a powerful sense of peace.

Another time I remember seeing a huge flash of bright light as we were worshiping. It was so amazing I jumped right out of my skin, but was surprised no one else responded. A few minutes later a friend came up to me. God had spoken to her to reassure me I had seen an angel. It was certainly a season of heightened expectation I think, and assured me there is so much more than we can fully reason or articulate going on.

Eloise Armstrong

A Visitor at Work

I had a chap turn up at work who looked straight at me as he entered. He walked up to me as I sat at the desk, spoke to me by name, and encouraged me. The office was full of other people and he seemed completely unfazed by this as he encouraged me in my faith. I had never meet this guy before and it was just before I started looking to finish work and go to Bible College. I was contending with some big issues in my walk with Christ. At the end of our conversation, by which time I was sitting back in my chair in wonder, he made the comment for everyone in the office, ‘Oh I suppose I should purchase something. What do you think I need?’ I have never forgotten this. It has been a great source of strength to me.

Neil Olsen


A Voice From Above

I was in Bali in 1978. The streets flooded, cutting me off from my homestay. I really did want to get back, so I considered wading through the thigh-high water. Then I heard a voice say ‘Awas!’ from above me. Awas means ‘Watch Out!’ in Indonesian, which I speak. I looked up and there was a man sitting on the light pole. I thought he might be an electrician, but how he got up there so quickly I couldn’t fathom. I asked him what was wrong. His answer chilled me: ‘Ada kabel di dalam air’ – ‘There is a cable in the water’. Had I attempted to cross, I would have been electrocuted.

This might not sound like an angelic meeting but there are several crucial things to keep in mind: This man was right beside me when I needed to be warned, and of all the tourists in Kuta at the time I was one of less than a handful that would have understood his warning, coming as it did in Indonesian.

Sue Scarcella

An Angel in a Toilet Block

When we were 14 or 15, a friend and I went to a music festival. We couldn’t sleep the first night and so we wandered to the stage area. There we bumped into a group of boys who had been drinking cider. They wanted us to join their ‘party’ but we politely declined, said we were going to the toilet, then ran off. On our way back we bumped into them again, and we ran back to the toilet block. They followed us and things took a turn for the worst. They soon had us backed into cubicles.

Suddenly, we heard a voice shouting at the lads, telling them to get out. We slowly emerged from the cubicles, petrified but grateful. We ran out of the toilet block and turned to thank the man who had saved us, but he had completely disappeared. We got to know the security team afterward and it wasn’t one of the team. We are both convinced he was an angel.

Steph Gutmann 

Photo by Aki, Flickr

Picture by Aki, Flickr, cc by 2.0

A Miraculous Leap

[Note: The following story is quite astounding. Having known Peter and Eileen for over twenty years, I can attest they are the last people to put fanciful interpretations on otherwise natural events. Something truly happened here.]

In 1982 a thief in northern Ghana tried to kill me by cracking open my skull with a car stand, trying to cut through my jugular, then whacking me over the face with a broken bottle. My wife Eileen, who was trapped inside, recounts what happened next. The thief locked me out of the courtyard and took the keys. There was no way Eileen could unlock the front door so, when I came to, she sent me around the back where there was a cement wall and picket gate about eye-level high. It was also locked. She then says I flew over the gate and landed sitting at her feet, where she then supported me into the house and treated my wounds. It must have been an angel that carried me over the gate.

Peter Jenkins

Want More?

Get 70 stories on joy, compassion, wonder, callings and more in Reflect with Sheridan, my new gift book.

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  • September 29, 2016
    Jan Erlam

    When I was having my daughter it came as a shock; I was already seven months pregnant and still quite young to be a mother. This was the 70’s things were different then. One Sunday evening Mum and I were walking to church, when I spotted a man across the road, he was the image of any Jesus picture, he wore a thick coat but he had no shoes or socks. I drew Mum’s attention to him, we were at the point where houses had been demolished and you could see a good distance all around. Mum moved with compassion went across the road and gave him some money. He took the money and thanked and blessed mum, he was so well spoken it amazed her. We were both moved by him. Mum came back and we turned to look at the man, he had gone. There was nowhere to go just flat land, we looked around speechless. Something about that man gave us peace and helped us see beyond what we believed. My daughter came at a time where I was in turmoil but I felt God telling me there was a reason. many years later when my youngest child contracted a bone marrow related disorder and died, I finally knew why Gill was my true blessing.

    • September 29, 2016

      Wow, Jan – what a moving story. thanks so much for sharing it.

  • October 6, 2016

    Another great story in from April via email:

    When I was a teenager I went to an amusement park with friends; I began to feel very ill around midday. I left my friends and went to the nurse’s station and after taking my name, they assigned me a cot-like bed. This was before mobile phones; they rang my mum to come pick me up. I felt quite scared because I didn’t know what was wrong with me — I was dizzy, clammy, feverish, and I had to wait around 45 minutes for my mum. I was crying and one of the nurses came and sat on the edge of my bed. She was in her fifties, greying hair; she was kind and warm and soft, like a grandmother. She was wearing the same watch as me. The nurse sat with me, stroked my hair. I became calm and relaxed and comfortable in her presence. Then she went to check if my mum had arrived.
    Almost immediately, another nurse came to get me, saying my mother had arrived. I asked this new nurse where the other nurse was so I could say thank you and good-bye. The new nurse said, “what nurse?” I replied, “the nurse who was sitting with me this whole time”. The new nurse said no one had been with me at all; no one even fit the description I gave.

    I believe the “nurse” who sat with me was an angel sent to comfort me when I was sick, scared and alone.

  • October 21, 2017

    In 1985 ( I was 25) I was doing home care, a service to keep older Australians in their homes. It involved cleaning, washing , whatever the customer needed done.
    This old gentleman lived on his own and the place was filthy, so I washed dishes , did his washing etc. He had a granny flat in the backyard and the tenant had a very large German shepherd – I would talk to this dog and give it fresh water when I was hanging the washing.
    On this one occasion, I arrived to find the old man and his son at home. I was in the kitchen with the back door open but the screen door kept the dog out.
    I turned around to find the son standing close to me offering a cake, I said no thanks but he kept insisting I take it and I kept backing up saying no. I found myself backed up to the wall next to the door with no where to go and suddenly the dog was barking, snarling and trying to break the door in. We both looked at this dog and it was as if the spell was broken- the son shrugged and left.
    I believe the angels were using that dog to keep me safe. No other explanation I can think of.
    Elizabeth- Sydney

  • June 9, 2020

    I don’t know if this qualifies here but when I was little I saw a lady standing in the doorway in my room. It was in the night after we had gone to bed. I’m not sure why I woke up but she was standing there and smiling at me. She had her hand stretched out and a gift was in it. She was giving it to me. I looked at her, she was surrounded by light as if she was the ligh. I opened the window and looked outside, my fathers donkey was tied outside near to my window. I could feel the cold air. She was still there when I looked back. I closed my eyes and opened it but she was still there. I called out to my mother and while my mother answered and was coming from her room across the passage, we called it hall she just faded until there was just a spot of light just as mama reach. By the way my doorway did not have a door but a curtain. When my mother came I told her. She said it was an angel. She did not see anything.

  • March 30, 2021

    My sister and I was as sick as a leper. I was 4 and my mom took me somewhere I didn’t know. Then the prayed over me and a bright light brighter than The Sun. I looked at it and I was amazed. And when i asked my mom what it was and she didn’t know what it was. I asked my grandma and she said it was an angel. Thank god

  • September 17, 2021

    I believe definitely, three days ago my daughter and myself went on an adventure (weve had fun during Covid making these things happen) anyway we got to St Andrews during a rail strike and stupidly hadn’t booked a B and B b4 – nevertheless we bought sleeping bags and being seasoned campers stayed on the beach. I woke at 4am with sickness bug so by 9am l was still vomiting and my daughter was brilliant-end result is this lady appears around the corner to the beach we’d stayed on and gave me coffee, went to the High St and came back with water and sugary water then offered to give us the bus fare home, walked us to the bus stop- we call her the “Russian angel” she was a truly wonderful person – didn’t know there were real angels that look like people xxxxx

  • May 20, 2022

    This happened very recently for me. It was about 6 or 7 months ago. It was when people were still standoffish from the whole COVID thing. I have never been one to worry about masks or the whole 6 feet apart rules in the stores. I went to W-mart to get some groceries for my mother. When I walked in I headed towards where the grocery section was in the store. As I got to the aisels a homeless man slowly walked by me. He was kind of dragging his feet and was hunched over as he slowly walked by me. Something in my spirit told me to embrace this man as he passed and to not shy away, as I’m sure many others have. As I was almost done shopping and I’m now headed toward the produce section, I see this man standing in front of me, staring at the apples. He suddenly turns away and goes to leave the store. My spirit told me to stop him and ask if he wanted some food. He asks me, “would you buy me some fruit? ” I reply, ” of course, but are you sure that is all you want? Would you like a hot meal or anything other than just fruit? ” He looks at me with this very confident wise look on his face and says, ” no just some fruit. ” In my spirit by this time I kind of realize he’s an angel because he had such a wise presence about him. He was so humble and wise. It was something I could not explain away as anything other than he was an angel. Me being who I am I walk up to him a few times asking what kind of fruit would you like? I’m like do you want bananas? Some grapes? Some apples? As I’m holding each one up to ask what he would like. He then kindly comes to where I am and says, “I don’t need a lot. Just whatever you pick.” So I picked 2 apples and a pear. He then asks me, what can I do for you for buying this for me? By this time I am able to see him up close and actually speak with him face to face, when I see he has the most beautiful blue eyes. So I say, wow you have the most beautiful blue eyes, which seemed to make him uncomfortable because he was so humble and obviously looks were not very important to him. So he quickly brushes it off and changes the subject and he says to me, “I’m 80 years old” which I reply, “wow no way, you look amazing.” He did look very good for 80 years old. He looked probably at most 60 years old. He then says to me, “I take care of my body.” So then somehow we get to talking and I said how I was there shopping for my mother. He then asks, *how is mom?” He said it like he knew who my mom was. It was just so strange the way he said it. So then I say, “she’s doing well, but she has a toothache.” Which he replies with a smile on his face, “you know there’s a remedy for that.” The whole encounter with him was just something I’ve never experienced before it was a very special encounter for me. So then once more as we’re checking out he asks me, “what can I do for you for buying me this fruit?” So I reply, “absolutely nothing, it’s a blessing for me because I love helping people when I can”. So that was that and we said our goodbyes. It is something I think about all the time and I see so much to it every time I think about it. Like the fact that he asked for fruit. That to me is very symbolic, such as the fruits of our spirit.

  • January 11, 2023

    Wow these stories are blowing my mind out coz i love the subject of angels

  • March 3, 2023
    Keith Archer

    In late 2018 my wife and 8 year old granddaughter broke down in the far left lane in rush hour traffic on I-25 in Denver. Her Jeep just died. Cars were zooming by almost bumper to bumper at 40+ mph. She was very scared and immediately prayed “please God keep us safe”. Then she saw that a very shiny black car had pulled in front of her and was backing up. She said a very handsome young man in a really nice business suit got out and came to her open window and flopped his forearms down on the sill. Normally this would have caused her some alarm but she said he had the most beautiful smile and soothing demeanor that immediately relaxed her. He asked “Did ya run outta gas?” She said “No I think it’s my battery “. He just smiled and told her to put it into neutral. She asked what he was going to do and he said “I’m going to push you to where you will be safe”. He put his back against that dirty Jeep with no concern for his nice black suit and pushed her across 4 lanes of heavy traffic while holding his hand out to stop oncoming vehicles. She could clearly see him in her rear view mirror. As soon as her Jeep was safely on the right shoulder she opened her door to thank him but he was gone. She had seen him just a moment before in her mirror but now he was gone. She thought he must have crossed over to his vehicle but realized traffic would have had to stop for someone to cross but it hadn’t even slowed down. It had been zooming past without a break. She looked over to where his shiny black vehicle had been and it was gone like it had never been there. All of this took place within just a few seconds. When I came to rescue my wife and granddaughter from the broken down Jeep, I looked over the concrete wall thinking he might have left that way. I don’t know why I even thought that. It’s an elevated portion of the Interstate and there is about a 50 foot drop at that point. I even looked under the Jeep. My wife said he literally was there one moment and both he and his vehicle were gone the next. Later I asked my granddaughter if she saw him. She said yes and I asked her what he looked like. She said “Just a man”. I asked her if she saw where he went and she said “No, he was pushing the Jeep and then we didn’t see him anymore” My granddaughter told me he was wearing a tuxedo. My wife told her no it was just a really nice business suit.
    My wife isn’t one to exaggerate or embellish things and we are both Christians and believe in angels but she still doesn’t quite know what to think about what happened. She does say however that now when she hears similar stories she isn’t so quick to brush them off like she had done before.

  • May 31, 2023

    Yes, Angels are real or at least the one who visited me was real. To this day, I don’t know why she came, but she did. It was a few weeks after 9/11. No, I did not know a victim. My father-in-law had just passed. My wife was upset with me for getting drunk the day before. I went to bed. It was midnight. Fifthteen minutes later, according to the clock, I woke up because I felt the need to pee, So, I am about to roll out of the bed, and there she was, an Angel. But, not what I expected. I’m told God sends you what you need to see. Well, I totally agree. The Angel appeared in a floating orb floating 4 feet in the air. She was only 12″ to 18″ in height. Golden blond hair, arms reaching out to me, I was scared. Islowly sit up trying to figure out what I am looking at and it beyond any reasonable explaination to me. I inch away from her to a corner where the bed meets two walls still watch her. Speechless am I; I regret not trying to ask her a question, today. She stays for a few more moments and then floats up; out of the light cast by the alarm clock. She floats into darkness. Still scared, still needing to pee, I wait as long as I could to run to the switch and light the entire room. She’s gone. Through solid walls she came and went. And, finally, I said God sends you what you need not what you expect. I always thought Angels would be 5′ to 6′ feet. Mine was less 12″ to 18″. Had I seen a 5′ foot angel, I might of had a heart attack. I didn’t think I needed an Angel, but God somehow thought I did.

    • January 2, 2024
      Beth Emmanuel-Taylor

      Wow Sam I’m so glad you posted that !
      My mother died quite a number of years ago and around 2 months later I was fast asleep in bed and woken by a white light in the form of a body floating above me. I thought I was asleep having a weird dream
      then I heard a voice inside my head saying “Don’t be scared It’s mum” I went back to sleep and in the morning tried to get my head around it but I do believe that God can do the impossible so I do believe it was my mum.
      I also had an encounter with her voice a week ago which came out of nowhere regarding a particular situation which convinced me she’s watching me.
      I was potting a plant and she gave me some advice contrary to what I was going to do.

      • January 10, 2024
        Beth Emmanuel-Taylor

        One night I was in bed when my husband who was very drunk got quite aggressive towards me pulled me out of bed as I stood in front of him he put his hands up and was intending to push me he’s a big man and I am a small woman. All of a sudden a white light swooshed from the ceiling stood in front of him pushed him to the ground he lay stunned not knowing what had happened. Next thing the Angel turned looked at me and evaporated. My husband didn’t remember anything the next morning.
        I know that Angel was protecting me.

  • November 3, 2023

    I was driving in an area of Boston, Massachusetts, CHARLES TOWN. My husband was very sick. I knew he would not be able to stay with me in our small cottage. He would need special care eventually. The reason for driving around Charles town was to find a residence for me to live after my husband died. I was driving in my old V W beetle car. It was a nightmare as I was totally lost!! I had drivers honking at me. I was having a PANIC ATTACK!! I came to a red light and stopped. I looked over to a woman standing with a small child. I asked her if she knew how to get to the residence. She said she did. Next moment she was sitting next to me in the car! She was very lovely and had the most beautiful hair. It had a GLOW from her hair. She told me to be careful driving as it was a difficult drive. She mentioned she worked with people who had dementia. My husband had vascular dementia. She was so kind and calming. The hair was such a beautiful glow from it. She also told me as we drove by a church she told me it was a wonderful church. She told me where to park and told me I had very little time to get into the building. I got out of the car and turned around immediately and she was GONE! I was just so grateful for her. The experience seemed like a dream. How did I find the residence? She saved me from a horrible car accident!

    • November 3, 2023
      Sheridan Voysey



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