Your Invitation To A Resilient Life | Resilient Session 1
A spouse leaves us. A client sues. Unemployment strikes us. Our dreams fail to come true. How can we live a resilient life—a life that can weather these storms, even bound back in strength after them?
I tried an experiment once. After facing my own storm, I read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount every day for a month. Then a second month, then a third. In it I found a guide to the essential aspects of life—our callings, relationships, spirituality and choices. But I also found something more. I found what leads to resilience (Matthew 7:24-27).
My experiment led to a book and video series called Resilient. Previously only available for purchase, today we are releasing the video series FREE. In 6 interactive sessions you and I will walk through the Sermon, discovering its resilience principles.
Please subscribe to get the full series, and please check out the small group and other resources below.
Now let’s begin—with an eccentric lady on a bus and the greatest invitation ever given.
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Resilient is a book, audiobook and video series that explores the resilience message of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Comprised of 6 videos, a study guide and a 90 day devotional, it has been used in scores of churches and small groups and by thousands of individuals. Bring the Resilient message to your church, bible study or book group through these resources.
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Book and DVD Pack

If like me you still like physical copies of things, this book + DVD pack is handy for personal or family use. The pack includes:
- 6 session Resilient DVD (65mins of teaching)
- A signed copy of the Resilient devotional book
- Printed study guide
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Small Group Kit

This complete small group kit includes:
- 6 session Resilient DVD (65mins of teaching)
- 5 signed copies of the Resilient devotional book
- Printed leader’s study guide
- A huge discount!
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Other Video Sessions
Session 1: Your Invitation
Session 2: Your Calling
Session 3: Your Relationships
Session 4: Your Practices
Session 5: Your Choices
Session 6: Your Resilient Life
Thanks Sheridan, this pulls us back to Kingdom thinking and actions in a time where covid has realigned our thinking and actions for self protection etc. Perfect timing…. may we all be comforted and Challenged. X
Sheridan Voysey
That’s such a good point, Melanie. These last 18 months may have focused us on self-preservation and the Sermon lifts our gaze. Thanks for that insight.
Cher Cassini
Thank you for this Sheridan. I spent so much of my life feeling like a square peg in a round hole! It was a relief to find in God’s word that this was because although I was IN the world, I was not OF the world. I’ve been transformed by the Holy Spirit since my husband died suddenly. I clung to the Lord as I’d not ever before. I sought Him earnestly, and He showed up, big time. My Church has just finished a series on the Sermon at the Mount. It’s great that I can revisit it again and get yet another viewpoint to help me not to miss anything. I still don’t know exactly what God’s plans are for me, but I trust Him implicitly for He is Faithful, Gracious and Good. I look forward to the rest of the sessions. God bless you
Sheridan Voysey
“I still don’t know exactly what God’s plans are for me, but I trust Him implicitly for He is Faithful, Gracious and Good.” Wow. Maybe the most important of his plans has been fulfilled right there.
Thank you Sheridan for your insight in this passage. There are so many things to learn from it each time I go back to it, I find that exciting and challenging! After this last 18 months of COVID, it’s a great opportunity to look at this teaching and seek God and his kingdom values, can’t wait to see what He has in store and how it will unfold…. Thank you again.
Sheridan Voysey
So glad to hear that, Maureen. And you’re right – this is a perfect time to ‘seek first the kingdom’.
Thanks Sheridan, I’m really enjoying just sitting with the passage and letting God speak through it to see what he might want to whisper to me. Looking forward to learning more!
Sheridan Voysey
Glad to hear that. That ‘sitting and listening’ to the text is so transformative.
Bronwyn Olson
Sheridan, this is fantastic and I’ve only just completed the first session! I love the way God has revealed this truth, that we all gloss over and miss because you committed to diligent study of this famous passage. I.m in the throes of a directional change in my career from nurse to author/ poetry writer/ encourager and feel challenged many times a day with questions like you raised in this session ‘I’m alright aren’t I? ‘ ‘I’m good enough?’ ‘What I’m doing has value.” Especially when you may not feel the support from close friends you expected. Then this passage just comes in BANG! True Jesus style! So counter-cultural! I love the way you highlight this as I’ve never seen this before and it’s like a release as we are reminded we don’t have to measure up to the worlds standards and through Christ we can all attain acceptance as poor, meek, merciful etc. Thanks so much for sharing this study! God bless you and Merryn
Sheridan Voysey
What an exciting journey you’re on, Bronwyn. How nice to have a small part in your moving forward. The Beatitudes are so counter-cultural, yes! I hope the rest of the series helps you take a few more steps – not mention some giants leaps – forward!
Hey Sheridan!
I’m so thankful for God making you and for your journey of learning resilience and sharing your story. I’m also really thankful for Jesus and how he demonstrated in his everyday life what he was inviting us all into: what God originally intended for our lives and how we can learn to live our best lives even in the midst of grief, poverty, vulnerability and the gamut of ugly behaviour we encounter and unfortunately have at times perpetrated on ourselves, others and God. Crazy huh?! Yay for Jesus. In past times the teaching of some on the sermon has been jarring to the extent that I struggled with it. I’m so grateful for the Holy Spirit leading me to discover the testimonies of Christian men and women who have helped me learn to meditate and inwardly digest it in freedom with thankfulness and hope and a growing faith that God can actually transform my life by his miraculous power to grow up into the woman he is delighted for me to be for his glory. [with apologies for my Pauline-esque syntax]
Shalom in Jesus.
Side bar – it’s probably not news to you that Dallas Willard also wrote an excellent book called The Divine Conspiracy which unpacks Jesus’ ‘sermon’. It’s one of those books which lived on my bookshelf but which I finally got around to jumping into after too many years of putting it off.. – recommend!
Sheridan Voysey
Thanks a lot, Sandy – this encouragement is valued. I’m so glad the series has been helpful!
Oh and the Divine Conspiracy is so good (it was one of the books I read as I was doing my research into the Sermon). Willard’s point about Jesus not only being saviour but philosopher/wisdom teacher is so important, and his grounding the Sermon in everyday life so valuable.
Thank you so much for this great resource and all the work and love that has gone into making it. I came to this course after hearing Mr. Vosey’s incredible voice and words on the Daily Bread podcast and after session 1 – I am very glad to make this commitment. I like the practical examples, teaching in a common sense fashion and the humour (I’m going to remember floral lady and her courage for some time to come!). Wouldn’t it be a better world, if people did not have to wonder “am I ok?” but were reassured and complimented before the dark insecurity took hold?
This course is like Christianity in action. Genius!
Sheridan Voysey
Thank you! Oh, Floral Lady can never be forgotten. I still remember her forthright but tender voice.
John Sage
Good Morning Sheridan……I just read “A Resilient Life”…..Thank You….I am looking forward to viewing the 6 part series of videos.
Sheridan Voysey
Thanks John. Enjoy!