Three Ways to Reflect on Your Life
In his famous poem The Four Quartets, TS Elliott says “We had the experience, but missed the meaning.” How true! Too often life can become one long series of unrelated events – a conversation here, an appointment there, walking the dog, working through our to-do lists – and we miss any deeper significance they hold. If you’re anything like me, 2020 is ending in a rush (despite the UK having been in lockdown). And the first thing that suffers in busyness is reflection time – the art of seeing the meaning in our experiences.
I’ve been on an enjoyable interview ‘tour’ this last few weeks on radio stations across the UK, US and Australia, and the one thing I’ve been asked repeatedly is how. How do we interrupt the rush? How do we reflect on our lives? And so I’ve put together a short answer. The art of reflection really comes down to three words: set, reflect and record.
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Christmas Gift Deals!
I’m thrilled to hear people are buying my new book Reflect with Sheridan as Christmas gifts for their family and friends (so much so that it’s sold out in Australia, but more on that in a moment). In fact people are telling me they’re using Reflect in three ways, as:
A personal devotional
A Christmas gift for family and friends
A ‘spiritual but not religious’ gift for colleagues.
Now is a good time to order your copies to arrive in time for Christmas. And there’s some excellent deals on it too.

United States and Canada
Book Depository has the best deal with 29% off and free delivery. Amazon US and CA have good prices too:
Amazon US | Book Depository | Amazon CA
United Kingdom
Amazon has the best deal with 28% off. If you’d rather support a local store, St Andrews and have good discounts too:
Amazon UK | St Andrews Bookshop |
With the book having sold out in Australia (more stock is on the way), Book Depository can still get copies to you easily (order by Monday 7th December for Christmas). They also have it on 29% discount with free postage so this is well worth taking advantage of now: