When God Says No. A FREE Booklet for You
Over 130,000 copies in print!
The wilderness of broken dreams can be a harsh place to dwell. Thank God there’s more to it than disappointment and suffering. If you’ve read my book Resurrection Year you’ll know the wilderness for Merryn and me was infertility. For you it could be singleness, divorce, a lost career, a lost loved one, or something else. What can we learn through wilderness experiences and how does God use them to change us?
In When God Says No I explore these and other questions. And thanks to the kind folks at Our Daily Bread Ministries, this new booklet is free! I’ve written a companion guide to help you get the most of it too, so follow these steps for some inspiration.
Step 1: Get the Booklet
Using the Jews’ biblical wilderness journey as a comparison, When God Says No steers you through the emotions that come with a broken dream and offers practical steps to see the good God is doing through it.
Contents Include:
- The Wilderness of Broken Dreams
- Navigating the Wilderness
- Starting Again
Download Now:
- Read, listen or download FREE
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Step 2: Get the Reflection Guide
I still remember the first time I read a Discover Series booklet. It was in youth group and our pastor gave us all a copy of How Do I Decide Who to Marry and led a discussion on it. Years later I used other booklets both personally and in groups. So to help you get the most out of When God Says No I’ve created a Reflection Guide, perfect for personal study, for retreat use, or group discussion. Download Now:
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- Download and print as many as you want
- You’ll also get my blog posts, podcasts and freebies like this as they happen

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Tanya Marlow
This little booklet is a real gem. Will be recommending it far and wide!
Sheridan Voysey
Thanks so much Tanya!
Lisa @ Amateur Nester
What a great resource, Sheridan. I’m sharing it on my infertility blog’s Facebook page. Thank you!
Sheridan Voysey
Thank you, Lisa. And I hope everything is going really well with you and your important work.
Brendan Burger
Excellent. Thanks. God bless.
To God be the Glory
Opens my eyes to what I’m facing at the moment relating to the Biblical wilderness. Read the complimentary copy from discovery series; and would like to get an e-copy where I can Highlight and refer back for more reading.
Sheridan Voysey
So glad it’s been helpful, Sally!
Sandra Tilghman-Young
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much, I’m going to share with a friend who just lost a son in a car accident. May God bless you